Saturday, August 10, 2013

Muhammad Yunus........A Visionary......    

                                                I would like to discuss here about muhammad yunus and his great work behind the  Grameen Bank to establish.I was very surprised how Mhammad Yunus visioned the outcomes of Grameen Bank.With his tremendous knowledge about economics he could have earned billions of rupees but he has choosed a path to help the poor.His visionary showed the remaining world how to control and eradicate the poverty and to help the poor people.

                                                                   Helping the poor people is not only raising funds and help them providing their basic needs as a charity.But helping the poor means to make them productive person and helping them to earn money of their own initially and do not depend on others.He had done that conceptualizing the Grameen Bank.

                                                                   What is the major difference between the Grameen Bank and other conventional banks.The main difference is Grameen Bank works for the poor to build their lives and make them to stand on their own without depending on others.But, this is not the case of conventional banks.Conventional banks do services to help the rich people  to increase properties and indeed the banks also increase the profits. Iam not interested to discuss more about the grameen banks and conventional banks and write points of points of differences between them.But I would like to express my  responsibilities I have learned from Muhammad Yunus.

1) Never be selfish and greedy to earn money:
                                          If muhammad Yunus was selfish person and greedy about earning the money,then this world will defenitely be missing the great concept of helping  the poor and also to eradicate or control the poverty.
2) social Responsibility:
                                         Every one should have atleast minimum social responsibility. If muhammad Yunus had not have an interest of responsibilities then just imagine the lives of people who are benifitted by the grameen banks.

3) A visionary:
                                      Because of his visionary atleast some percentage of poor people are benifitted by the Grameen Bank.His visionary inspired me how can do even more better to improve the life standards of the poor.
4) Initiator & Innovator:
                                       Yes he is the Initiator and the Innovator of the great concept of Micro credit loans.Because of his initiatives and new innovative concepts, he was awarded by a Nobel Peace Prize.

                                                                                I would like to thank Proff.Mandi for helping us and also given us a great opportunity to know about the Great person Muhammad Yunus.

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